Monday, October 8, 2007


Welcome to my newest blog-installation: a special, recurring feature I am going to be calling 'AFFIRMATIONS'. This is a collection of affirmations that I see in the world around me - telling me something I may have already known about myself....but just needed to be reminded of. Most of the time, these are "print" affirmations that happen when I least expect them, and I'm finding that they come by way of menus, restaurant signs, bus stops, newspapers...really, whatever. There's no rhyme or reason. Actually....sometimes they might rhyme. But not EVERY time. I'm just saying....don't come to expect it one way or the other. Just be surprised.

Anyway - this AFFIRMATION comes via a 'For Sale' sign by my friend Rachel's house in Falls Church, VA. It spoke volumes to me. And I'm pretty sure you'll all agree.


Am. I. Ever.

The original source. Notice the sun beam shining down ON the source? I was meant to receive this message. Amen.


Shannon said...

You are beautiful!

Shannon said...

and the other shannon is weighing in with "i love you!" hahaha that was so awesome!

Unknown said...

I've seen peoples insides . . . Not so beautiful. But, I am sure you are the exception!!