A huge thanks to my buddy Clark for bringing this special talent show performance to my attention. (The poster on YouTube apologizes for the poor video quality...and so do I.) Things start to heat up about around the 0:58 second mark or so. Still, after a few viewings, all I can muster is a big, fat WOW.
Enjoy. And GOD BLESS AMERICA, indeed.
Oh Matt...I'm in awe! Amazing. I wish I had a rage like that! eeks
I love the guys in the background - particularly the one who keeps gnawing on his knuckles.
Oh boy! Yeah I love the guy in the back shaking his head and looking to the side not knowing what to do with himself
I think someone needs to be deported from America.
Im so glad that you posted this here to so many people who can appreciate its brilliance. You guys rock.
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