Saturday, February 23, 2008

Weekend Special

Hey Jude!

Well, Fun Friend Dave Kopp has brought another magical YouTube video to my attention - and I've shared it with some of you...but it has been so much fun to watch, that I decided I needed to post it here for everyone to enjoy this weekend.

Oh yeah...and evidently, the parents named the little boy HERO. WHAT is that all about? Silly Koreans.


Donna Migliaccio said...

"We-mem-bur to WET hur eenduya HAR..!"

That kid's brilliant. Not only does he know that you have to finger the frets, he has an amazing sense of rhythm (how many a capella singers would get all those intervals right?).

Hot Pants said...

I think it is a girl. Look at the bow on her tank top. Don't let the mullet fool you.