Wednesday, July 29, 2009

distraction here's the deal. the past week has been kind of wacky for me...because a ton of things in my life have changed. and today, i was all ready to come home and lay it all out here in my blog forum, for you faithful 4 readers to read. i was finally in a great place to look at it all and explain it in a cohesive manner.

so i got on the metro...composing my entry in my head...and i looked down...and lost all focus.

that's right. a grown up. an adult human being. was OUT IN PUBLIC, on the metro, wearing they were everyday footwear. like EVERYONE had them on. like they were the norm. and then, i lost all focus. so you have this "gentleman" to thank for no full report.

ugh. i am still appalled...


Hot Pants said...

I better make sure Dwight doesn't see this, or he will be BEGGING for me to get him a pair...or two.

Da Principal said...

Gee Matt, those are some fine shoes you have been wearing. But tell us more about your ankle tatoo. ;-)

Jen said...

those are very disturbing. what if your 2nd toe is longer than your first toe, are you out of luck? Are they a custom fit?

Camie said...

I saw a girl wearing the same shoes (in a different color) the other day on my way to the metro. It was so disturbing I had to look away. I almost threw up.

Rachel said...

I just saw a guy wearing a red pair at the mall sister and I were equally disturbed.

Gillian said...

Remember when I forgot that you had posted these pics and then I went onto your blog and then I saw them again and they burned my eyes just like they did the first time I saw them? Yeah. Thanks.

One More Equals Four said...

Would it offend you at all to know when I first saw the picture and had not yet read the post, I totally thought it was you wearing them...and it didn't surprise me, because while it has been 20 years, you used to be kinda crazy and I could really see you sporting them? I'm just sayin'...

Megan Andrea said...

well i saw them in church. on a grown man. who was serious. just try to feel the spirit after that. go ahead, try it.

Molly said...

woah...matt, i'm surprised you could actually look at them long enough to take a picture. you really are dedicated to this blog to be willing to take one for the team.
One of the dads came in to my preschool wearing a bright blue pair of these bad boys. I can't look at him the same now.