Sunday, February 7, 2010

a fine mess

so i'm always a little emotional at different times during the olympics...for varying reasons...almost always because i'm touched or inspired or thrilled or every other emotion that comes with the stories that make up the games. but i have a feeling that this year, it's probably going to be a little bit more intense, for obvious reasons.

which is why, on a rainy sunday afternoon in vancouver, i'm in tears sitting here watching this music video of the official theme song of the 2010 games - put with images from the torch relay across canada. i love patriotism in whatever color flag it comes in! and specifically, i love the passion that canada has for these games!!!

i believe, too, canada! your games are going to be amazing...and i'm going to be a mess for large portions of the 17 days! it's an honor to be the smallest of parts of vancouver 2010!


Heather said...

Thanks for sharing Matt! I needed a good Monday cry! I LOVE IT!!! So can not wait for the Olympics to start! Let the waterworks begin!

the mortensen's said...

simply fantastic!!!!!