Monday, September 24, 2007

Weekend Shower

Check this out. I went to a baby shower this past weekend. Crazy times. I've never been to a shower...but this was a shower for my friend, Stephanie, who decided she wanted her guy friends invited, too. For those of you who know Stephanie, you will just shake your head and say, "Of course she did." For those of you who don't know her, just know that she proudly marches to the beat of her own drum...and never thinks twice about it. It's her baby, it's her baby shower, and it's her choice to have all of her friends, men and women, come celebrate the baby. And so we came. (I think most of the men came either out of pressure from a significant other or for the promise of good food.)

Here is Stephanie...getting a scowl from Bryan.

Christy, Anais and Lacey get the perfect shot on the first try.

Steph's co-worker friends, Jessica, Stephanie and Jaycee mug for the camera.

Cubbie mistakingly thought she was supposed to BRING a she borrowed this one from her neighbor.

If you are unfamiliar with what actually goes on at a baby shower, I am happy now to be able to give you a first hand account. Food, games, gifts. Lots of gifts. Lots of games. Lots of food. Lots of delicious food. And luckily, it was plentiful enough to be able to say, "Go ahead and play that game of baby pictionary....I'll be here by the spinach/artichoke dip and fruit pizza and won't have time to play." But mostly, it was just a lot of old friends, and some new, getting together to talk and laugh and catch up...and make a candy-gram lullaby for fabulous prizes! (My team won that one. Oh're jealous.)


During the Candy-Gram presetation, Anais tries to get extra points by rapping her teams entry. We still won.

Rachel and Sara patiently wait for the 'Feed The Baby' competition.

The "Parents" get ready to feed their "Baby". Did I miss something...or are parents feeding their children blind-folded these days? Crazy parenting techniques......

The feeding frenzy begins.

Rachel proudly displays the BEFORE and AFTER.

Diana captures the fun on film!

Cubbie ran a massage room for those sore after the 'Punt, Pass or Kick The Baby' game. Bryan passed.

PLUS...the kid made a HAUL in the gifty department. Lucky fetus.

Stephanie excitedly tears through the pile of gifts.

Anais took my camera to make some ART, people. It is untitled...yet still provocative.

But don't think the shower was my ONLY excitement this weekend. In what I like to dub "My Busiest Weekend In Months", I also attended: an art exhibit, a concert, a vegetable pizza fiesta, a shopping trip to the mall, a college football game, a kind of 'good bye again' party, a trip to a late night diner, and a trip to Baltimore to see a luke-warm stage production of The Wedding Singer - The Musical.

So yeah...I was busy.


Dainon. said...

Wait ... you know Diana? Because I know Diana. Whoa.

MAnderson said...

YOU DO? HAHAHAHA. Mormon world is tiny. Diana and Stephanie are best friends from college. I met Diana back in 2001 when she came out here for the 4th of July. We've been besties ever since. WHOA, indeed.