If Tim doesn't want to do it, because.....you know....he lives in Tucson or he has 3 kids of his own or he's travelling for work.....then that's fine. I don't mind going solo.
Here are our 2 choices. Let me know what you vote for:
"Clown and Devil". Tim likes this one because of his extensive and convincing make-up job, but I feel that my devil just seems to be lacking something.
"Devil and Indian" (don't mind the Stars Wars guys...those classic costumes aren't available). So somehow, Tim figured out a way to dress HIS devil look up a little bit more than I did. But with my Indian, NOW who has the awesome make up job? And be honest...have you ever seen an Indian with cooler kicks?
No Tim? NO PROBLEM! I'll scrap it all, and go solo as Frankenstein. How realistic is THAT?
*A huge thanks to the PAPA (Priscilla Anderson Photo Archives) for providing these pictures. It's great that she has made her collection, including the polaroid instamatic shots, available to us. And never you mind that she cut the head off that Storm Trooper. That's Scott DeSpain....and if you knew him, you'd agree that he deserved it.
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