Thursday, October 18, 2007

It's All Very Unclear you're telling me, JAPAN, that you've invented a way for people to LEARN English AND get an aerobic workout in at the same time? And you'll show me practical uses for what you teach?

Then I say, "Heck yes, Nippon! Roll. That. Tape!"


Richelle said...

You have to be kidding. People really spent their time making something like this?

Nate and Sina said...

You should really try the Hasta la vista, baby provides a full body work out!

MAnderson said...

But PSM, does it provide full body work out AND English Lessons? i'm on board if both are provided.

And sadly, Pinnie, some probably took a LOT of time making this. Coming up with all those toning exercises. Beauty, and language, don't come quickly or easily. Especially to the Japanese. WHAT?
I kid. I kid.