Thursday, September 4, 2008

unclear about jeremiah

today, after rehearsal, tiernan and i were riding the metro back into DC, and i saw an ad that i have been seeing on the metro the past month or so. i don't get it. it baffles me. i'm not sure what it means. and they have it all OVER the trains. finally today, i pulled out my camera, turned off the flash (so as not to wake the nice business man asleep next to tiernan, across the car), and snapped a quick picture, so i could share it with all of you here tonight.

i'm going to go out on a limb here and say....THIS ad is probably not pulling in a high number of customers.....

but you be the judge.


Hot Pants said...

Maybe its a guild meeting for his World of Warcraft.

laurenthequeen said...

I hate to say that I get his ad. Does it appeal tome? Not at all. Do I understand what they were going for? Sadly enough, yes. There are a huge group of computer geeks who would see this and be envious.

Casey said...

I think he really thinks he's the KungFu Panda Samurai. Matt I'm so happy to happen upon your blog and to catch up with you. I've laughed a lot and I hope that all is well with you. Love ya tons