Tuesday, February 2, 2010

i'm official!

so monday...i got my accreditation for the games. so that means....i am officially living an olympic dream...and the vancouver olympic committee has said it is now OK for me to be living it. thank goodness! (it also means i can take buses and trains for free just by flashing it...so that's officially awesome, too.)

enjoy some shots from my trip to accreditation....

fellow box office supervisor friend, josee, and i...showing our cards.

this is what we call my 'convict look'. so hot. BUT - in my defense - they were not allowing smiles and NOT allowing teeth to show. whatev. i'm a bad ass, as the picture depicts. so deal.

me. moments after....showing how pleased i am to be done!

more of me....happy to be accredited.

me and the mascots celebrate. let my games officially begin!

1 comment:

Fun times said...

picture does look a little scary but the good news is, if you ever get convicted of a felony, you already have your picture that will be used in the media:) Have a great day!!