Sunday, February 10, 2008

It's Been Awhile...

Since we last saw a good Case Of The Unfortunates! For those of you new to my world of blog, I have a few 'features' that I can't really call regular, because they just kind of happen - um - whenever. My COTU feature (that's 'Case Of The Unforutnates') started in St. Louis in October 2005 - and since then, I've collected a handful of.....unfortunates around the country. But it's been awhile since I've seen one and was quick enough on the draw to grab the camera and snap a picture.

I know, I know...I can hear some of you saying it's mean...and to that, I say....come back tomorrow when there is something nicer here. If there is one thing I've learned in nearly 3 years of blogging, it's that the people, once shown the magic, NEED the COTU. I just deliver what I see.

So enjoy this return into the world of the Unfortunates. And give SPECIAL thanks to CShainin for her eagle-eye as we drove through Alexandria...and her quick call for me to grab my camera. Gold stars for you, CS!

All this PLUS a bathrobe midday? YES. and PLEASE.


Noelle said...

DANG! The only name that comes to mind is "Bubba". I feel like going out for a Big Mac now...see ya.

Camie said...

I AM SO HAPPY! I was having a bad day, no scratch that, a bad three days, but this picture has turned it all around for me. You're the best!