So it may be late, as the clock now reads 12:51am...clocking in 51 minutes AFTER Valentines Day officially ended, but I had previously said I would leave a list of things that I am currently in LOVE with - to coincide with V-day 2008! But before I did that, I had to break it down and take a look at what I meant. So, I went to and put the word 'love' in the search window. And from the results, I pulled a few definitions to help in my explanation of what I am currently in love with!
1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person
2. a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection
3. strong predilection, enthusiasm, or liking for anything
Now those aren't all the definitions, but they are the best for what I will be explaining here today. ALSO, while reading this list, please take into consideration that the standards, i.e. my family, my health, my freedom, etc, etc, etc, are just given (duh!) and will not be discussed here. Also, please note that something NOT being on the List Of Love '08 doesn't render it out of mind. This is just a slight sampling - time and space do not allow me to make a complete list of my affections. But trust me....MANY of you would be on it. (Awwwwwwwww......)
So now, without any further ado, The List.
LIST OF LOVE - V-DAY 20081. Cold weather. Call me crazy....but I love winter. And even if it's NOT snowing...I am strongly enthusiastic about the cold weather we are having. Who needs 70 degrees in February? Not I. (Although we had it...last week.)
2. iPod Touch. Seriously. If loving my iPod touch and it's features makes me worldly, then so be it. I have a serious warm, personal attachment to the thing....and I don't mind admitting it!
3. TV. From Project Runway to Biggest Loser to Friday Night Lights (SAVE IT, NBC!) to the charming new Eli Stone, to everything in between...I have a deep affection for the boob tube and all of my stories.
4. TV shows ONLINE! So who cares if I lead a busy life and I can't make it home to watch my stories? I can watch so many of them online now. And I like that.
5. Scrabulous. Seriously, people. I mean...I am slightly addicted to playing Scrabble through Facebook. It's called Scrabulous - and I think at last count, I had like 6 or 7 games going. Donna, Josh, Anais, Scott, 2 games with Michelle...and you can just play when you have a some games take a day...some take a week. Some longer. But it's good times.
6. Jack Black Lip Balm. (No. Not THAT Jack Black!) Seriously...I've been a fan since November 2007, and I'm still a user. Especially with how cold it's been and the high chance of lip chapping...I always have a tube around...and a spare in waiting. I love it, I do.
7. David Kopp's blog. friend Dave finds the craziest/most random videos and articles and what not and posts them on his blog. I am always delighted when I check back and see what new fun he has posted. You would all probably love it, too. But don't take my word for it. Coconut Cake from Harris Teeter. OK....NOW we're talking 'warm personal attachment.' This one is a HUGE shout out to Anais for turning me on to this stuff. You can buy it in single slices...and that's amazing. We had some last night....and it was so serious, I wanted to ask IT to be my Valentine. For those of you who don't live near Harris Teeter, sucks to be you.
9. The Idaho Statesman (online edition.) So I'm from Boise...and
The Idaho Statesman is the Boise Newspaper. Boise is by NO MEANS a big city...but it is the largest in the state of Idaho. And I love going to the Statesman website everyday because the headlines are usually good for a laugh or two. Sometimes because it's a slow news day, sometimes because you can tell they are trying to report 'big city' style, and sometimes just because the stories and/or headlines are Like today, for instance. Here is my favorite headline: Experts say heavy snowfall increases flood risk in Spring.' Well you DON'T say! Thank goodness they ran this article. Anyway - I just love stopping in to see what wisdom they are bestowing upon the world each day. Well worth the visit.
10. Working, even part-time, where Darci Nelson works. Mainly because she's the - but more than that, it's great to have such a good friend around all day. We can take soda breaks, lunch breaks...whatever. Sometimes we don't even see each other - we just email back and forth to break up the monotony of work. It's just nice. I love it.
11. Segways. The winter has been quiet...but we're starting to gear up again. I'm doing my first couple tours of the year on President's Day. It'll be good to be back on the....roll. And until you ride, you can't really understand the love that I have for them. You'll just have to believe me.
12. Text Messaging. I just love it.
13. Dance Movies. So for Valentines Day? A group of us went to see 'Step Up 2: The Streets'. How could you even HOPE for a better V-day than THAT? Plus, just 2 weeks ago we were watching 'How She Move' - and a YEAR ago we were watching 'Stomp The Yard.' AND - Bravo has a new Dance Reality Show coming up. I love dance. (Except MAYBE butoh-style dance.)
14. Vitamin Water. I know....weird. But I'm totally addicted. And I have the deepest of my affections on the ENERGY flavor. It's something citrus-y and oh so good.
15. I love the kids in my life in this area! Being so far away from my nieces and nephews (13 of them...all out West) can be a bummer, but I have been blessed with so many friends in the area who have kids, that they have become my East Coast Kid Posse....fillin' in for my Pack of 13 out West. From those hysterical Rosman kids (Hannah, Emma and David), to my gal from my manny days, Louise Block, to the Ogea Kids (whom I haven't been able to see in awhile!) up to all the babies and kids around the WSB (just today, a set of twins and a 4 month old were in to visit!), I am continually reminded how cool and refreshing kids can be.
16. Brookstone's AMAZING
'Better Than Down' comforter and 2 pillows. There are no words to do them justice. But I will say that I DO have a profoundly tender and passionate affection for the entire set. You would, too.
So like I said....not a COMPLETE list....but just some of the things that are IMMEDIATE loves in my life. It was well worth sitting down and writing it all, though...if only to remember how blessed I am, and, in reading back over the list, how random and odd I am, also. But worries. I've embraced it.
So, in closing, as Christian said to Satine in 2001's 'Moulin Rouge', "All you need is love. Love is all you need." You know....before up blood and ultimately died. Awesome. Good luck with your Love List!!!!!